This Is Where Your Truth Lies...
You move through life alone - you, yourself, subject - empowered only by free will.
The impact of your decisions is heavily influenced by context.
The relationship between context, decision and impact is where your truth lies.
Only love, expressed truth (art), ritual and beauty can provide connection or awe.
You move through life bewildered - lost in translation.
No one cares what you think or how you act unless it confirms what they think or how they act or would like to act - or prevents them from thinking what they think, or prevents them from acting.
If you think or act in a different way from others you must do so in a witty, entertaining or amusing way - in short, you are performing.
If you don't perform in life you will either be irrelevant or tedious.
Life is suffering - then you die.
Be part of the love or art or ritual or beauty.
Leave behind love or art or ritual or beauty when you go.
Above all love and tell only the truth.
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